As part of our this-year-I-vow-to-not-completely-lose-it-because-I’m-totally-overwhelmed-circa-2011 plan, I’ve decided it’s about time for our children to start pitching in a little around the house. Don’t get me wrong…they’ve been pitching in…kinda. But they’re now (soon to be) 18 mos, 3, and 5, respectively.
And they’re totally super destructive.
So Jamin and I decided that the older two will have their own personal chore charts. Charts that document their progress for three weeks at a time on each “chore.” In the time frame of three weeks, they can do four simple things, to help out each day. When the entire chart is filled with stars, they will receive a small amount of moolah.
With that money they have two choices: 1. spend it at the dollar section of Target 2. save up for something they really want.
Here at the Mills casa, we kinda think it’s important for each child to learn responsibility from a young age. We by no means have it figured out, {read: we are totally winging this sucka and have no clue what we’re doing…I wonder what my children will tell their therapists ::cringe:: sometimes I think we had no business at all having children-who does?} but for their age grouping, I kept it simple. If they can just get these four things down, my life will be a bit easier.
For each day of the week, I am asking these 4 simple tasks be done:
1. taking their dishes to the sink after they eat.
2. brushing their own teeth, at least twice daily.
3. picking up after themselves.
4. dressing themselves.
Because sometimes, its the little things. If they can accomplish these four things, they receive a star on each item for each day. I’ll expand on Aiden’s later, but for now I think it’s a good place to start! Hurray for corralling and delgating. {It’s about time. didn’t people breed kids in the olden days for labor around the house? Don’t some still do that? I think my dad was scrubbing toilets when he was two. Someone send Aiden outside with the lawnmower, and give the vacuum cleaner and clorox wipes to Emster. Thanks, kids. Mommy’s chowin’ on some bon-bons.}
Everything for Emmy is a partay. She thinks it’s funny to poop in her pants and leave it on the floor. TMI? Probably. Meh. Such is the life of a parent…
Anyone else out there potty training a child?
You know what a long process this can be. At least it has been for us…
So you guessed it. When this lil gem of a chart is filled, emmy gets a (small family) partay. {or a prize, depending on how my day is going.}
We kind of look for opportunities to throw partays around here. Just a little something to chart her progress, and make the long laborious process that is potty training your child, remotely kinda fun.
Either way, I figured a little organization to help our kiddos reach their goals never hurt anyone.
Have a child in my age range, and want a copy of one of these charts? Free fun for all. grab em’, here.
Lara says
Love your sense of humor and your “blog voice”. Definitely relatable on so many levels. My lil one is currently potty training…. sloooowwww going. lol. you know how it is. Thanks for the chuckles tonight. 😉
Debbie says
Hello, just a quick comment on potty training. I have 6 kids and almost 8 grandkids and in my experience girls are harder. I babysit one of my granddaughters which had me going thru potty training AGAIN. What we found to help was each time she went potty in the toilet she recieved a quarter for her bank. Each time we went to the Dollar store or Target she was allowed to take $2.00 with her. Thank God for Dollar stores! She loves having her own money in her purse and paying (we paid the tax). Not only was she learning about rewards for doing good, she was learning all about money. Believe me it was worth every cent to teach these valuable lessons. Now we do the same when it comes to taking medicine. That used to be a fight, not anymore and she has quite abit of money saved up in her bank.
simone (UK Mum) says
Love the charts – we do this too for our little ones – 2 1/2 and nearly 4. Only thing I wonder is if you were to wait a few more months to potty train – 18 months seems quite early? We waited until our little ones were just over 2, they obviously sat on the potty before that but I still had them in pull-ups when they were out and about. Both did it in one day – and never had any accidents ….well, apart from the one time my youngest couldn’t wait and did a poo in the corner of our sitting room!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Hey Simone! Yes, it is quite early! We were talking about our three year old at the time, who is now four. We’re not pushers when it comes to potty training 😉 I just don’t have the energy! My 18 month old is now three, and we’re just now starting with him. ;}