We shared this post last year, and thought a. You can probably use these printables b. read it again because I think we all need this reminder. And a big freaking high five.
Happy reading!
We’re totally thrilled and excited to announce that our kiddos all start their first day of the 2016/2017 school year today.
At an amazing school of our choosing, in our new community.
Let me start by saying this is a very difficult post to write, because this is a conclusion we have arrived at for some time. And it’s hard to put it into words.
Over time on this website, we naturally whittled it down in the topics department as our little corner of the www evolved. Starting out as a mom site {there’s a little trivia for ya}, it grew into something more: an interiors, design business and website. It supports our family. As our children get older, we’re discussing them less. It’s just a natural progression. And this is one of those topics.
That being said, homeschool has been such a big part of our lives and posts, that some of you may notice we aren’t doing that anymore. We’ve received quite a few questions lately. So it felt unfair to simply drop the subject and pretend we aren’t making a different choice this year. Or even promise to “visit the topic later” never to return. You’ve been in this with us, after all. You’re making your own choices behind the scenes.
So it only felt natural to share something equally exciting for us, as the day we chose to home school. It’s about camaraderie, no matter which path you choose.
We’ve been on a homeschool journey for three years. It blows my mind to say that, because it feels like just yesterday. It’s been incredible. It’s been very hard. It’s been oh so rewarding.
We have run the gamut of every possible joy, elation, and emotion. But to be honest, we’re quite thrilled about this choice to attend a new school, with so many new opportunities and a fresh start.
So are the kiddos.
We always said they would go back when it was time.
It’s time.
It’s really that simple.
I’ve said this from the beginning, but we are making this choice because it’s the best choice for our family, period. Just like everyone’s educational choice that they make for their children and family is right for them.
No one else.
We have so many emotions. Trust me, I’ve run the full on crazies rainbow of a gamut. It’s different each year.
I will cry like a baby today. I cried when they met their teachers the other night. {In secret when no one but a friend was standing there and asked how we were doing – it came out in one overwhelming moment – shhh} I’ll probably cry for a week. Hashtag Unstable mom with too many life changes alert.
It’s been a wonderful journey. But we made a ton of sacrifices to make this move happen, all to give our children new opportunities. And we know without a doubt after careful consideration, that this is definitely one of them.
We feel that each year will be a different call, for each child. It’s a fresh start, and we’re giving it a chance. We couldn’t be happier about it. They simply can’t wait.
I will say this: I have observed, in my ten {almost eleven – don’t blink} years of parenting, especially while in the throes of home school, that we tend to spend a whole heck of a lot of time and energy justifying our own choices, and we do it by looking down on others.
Those who choose differently are “wrong” in others eyes. There’s a lot of shade and assumptions thrown in the direction of anyone who is different. I’ve heard a lot of this is “the very best way” or even “the only way” whenever we’ve chosen a certain route.
This needs to stop.
No matter which path we take, there will always be people who disagree. It happened when we chose to home school. With comments from every angle of life. It will happen now while we choose to enroll them again. It’s already begun… from total strangers on the internet. And at first it really upset me. Then I remembered that’s how it works and I need to get over myself.
We as parents, question ourselves every year. Heck, every day.
That program isn’t fully accredited to give them full rides to Harvard in the fifth grade. The sunscreen to protect them from skin cancer… is toxic. The food isn’t organic and washed with the purest of mountain waters from Tahiti. The beef isn’t kosher grass fed from a nudist farm in Hawaii. I didn’t start travel ball at one, and now they’ll never get a scholarship. I didn’t do my research on those shoes, and they may have inadequate arch support and be riddled with bad posture for the rest of their lives. They can’t recite all the books of the Bible on command. Backwards. I didn’t recycle that soda can after I let my kiddo drink it.
I fed. My child. A Lunchable. And he really likes them.
We are failures. Hell-in-a-handbasket bound, everywhere we turn. And frankly, I feel like if we’re fussing over stuff like this… we have a little too much time on our hands. The last thing we need are more people, telling us we’re doing it wrong.
I think deep down, it makes us feel better, to talk about why we choose things or why it’s right. Or why the other person is wrong. It’s human nature. It’s what we do.
It’s ridiculous.
If we choose to play that game. It is a choice, after all.
I’ll tell you a little secret: If you worry about doing it right… you’re probably doing just fine. And another secret: Our kiddos are probably going to write memoirs about us, anyway.
The parental units tried.
Sometimes I wish we could rewind to the 70’s and I could feed my kids Spam and Tang and send them outside to ride their bikes with no shoes or helmets. While instructing them to drink out of garden hose when they get thirsty and call it a day. Just kidding. Not really. They had their own issues. Wait. Did they?
We’re one big modern society of fussy know-it-alls with a grotesque excess of opinions and information right at our fingertips. We’re aaaaallllll experts.
It’s time to turn that little switch inside that pressures us to think a certain way, off. It’s time to stop wasting so much energy on it all. {And in a lot of ways, homeschooling definitely helped us do that. Because we had to.} It’s time to be advocates for all parents, not just the ones doing life like we are. Not just the ones that we’ve given our golden seal of approval. We’re all just trying to do our very best.
In parenthood, and in life.
It’s kind of freeing when we make the personal choice to take a deep breath, and just move forward.
So all that judging and fussing and wasted time and energy over others’ choices… all that over-explaining… it just isn’t necessary because we’re all on separate paths. I know that we owe no full on explanations for a deeply personal choice. There are a bazillion reasons we’ve made the choice that we have this year, and I’m not covering those. But we’re choosing to share, because of the community here of sweet readers just doing life like we are. And I want to say this today if you walk away from this little rant of a post with nothing else: it’s totally okay to do something different than what you’ve been doing when you feel the time is right. No matter which direction you head into. Change is always scary and hard but sometimes that’s because it’s for the very best.
For us, it’s a new chapter. And that’s more than okay.
I talked so much about home school and our process here, it only felt right to address it from the ‘other’ side. Give yourself permission to follow your instincts, and follow them unapologetically. You, and you alone know what’s best for your child.
I would be a fool to say I have it all figured out. Or that one route is the best route.
And in the same way, I would be a fool to judge anyone else based on their own personal decision. No one should ever feel alienated because of the choices they’re making for their children and family.
So we hope you feel the same way.
Because frankly, we all should.
I think we could all use a little more support in this community of parents. A little less angry mob torching. A little more confidence in following our own instincts as parents, and ignoring that empty buzz of unimportant energy. A little more acceptance in realizing we’re all imperfect and that’s okay. A little love and support can go a long way.
One year… one day… at a time. We’re all just doing our very best, after all.
So best wishes to everyone, no matter where you find yourself in the trenches of parenthood. And teaching.
If you choose to home school, we are with you, one hundred percent.
If you choose to public school, we are with you, one hundred percent.
If you choose to charter, magnet, private, catholic, half and half… we are with you. We stand by you as fellow parents.
You’ve got this.
One. Hundred. Percent.
And if you pack your kid a Lunchable because it was easy that day… high FREAKING five.
Let’s all take a deep breath and realize what the real issues are with perspective… because these are all first world problems. And be a little more forgiving of ourselves in the process.
Everyone’s situation is totally different, and it’s important to remember that.
If we’ve learned anything on this journey, it’s that education and relationships and open dialog… all start at home. You’re doing an incredible job, no matter which route you choose. Thinking of you all in the next coming weeks, as we begin another year.
We’re excited about the adventures ahead.
Happy School year 2016/17!
*Steps off ridiculously high soapbox. Walks away to crickets chirping.*
Anna says
Amen. Thank you for saying this.
Katie says
Thank you! I love your candidness about everything!
Kathleen says
Great post, very well said ! (round of applause !) I will have a 5th and 1st grader this year (both kids in school all day) and I am entering back into the work force at my wonderful local library. I have had several “friends” comment to me about how this will affect my kids etc. , why don’t I try homeschool etc. It’s simple, this is best for my family. Our family loves our local school district, my kids love the idea of mom working at the library and I am ready for something more in my life. It will be crazy at times but we will persevere ! Everyone has to follow their instincts and do what is right for them and their family and it will look different from what everyone else does and that is OK ! Best wishes to you and your kiddos as they begin their school year !
Stacy P says
First, where do I find kosher-grass-fed-beef-from-a-nudist-farm beef?? That phrase alone made my day!
Second, PREACH IT, GIRL! I’m over here virtually high-five-ing you like it’s 1999.
Last, I have a senior this year. It has FLOWN by. Enjoy the kiddos as long as you have them in whatever educational setting you choose…we’ve done it all- homeschool, public, private. Amazingly, in spite of having my husband and I for parents, my daughter has turned into a God-loving, binge-tv-watching, volleyball playing, science experiment doing girl who will be a great addition to whatever college she chooses (or gets into…whichever…we’re not picky! lol!). So, parents, take a breath like Ashley suggested, and know that in reality, all the regular parents of not perfect kids are with you. Promise. 🙂
Beth M. says
AMEN!!! You will LOVE WillCo schools!!!! We moved to this county specifically for the school system. You won’t regret your decision.
Andrea says
Good luck to these amazing kids!! They will do great, Mama. LOVE every single word your wrote. There is so much “information” on the www, but very little “wisdom”. This is pure wisdom…for every parent. Thank you for sharing your sweet heart. Love to you all! Hope to see you soon!! 😉
Racquel says
This post was so right on time! This will be our first year homeschooling our 1st and 5th grader and we’re all so excited. Nervous, but excited. We’ve also been considering a move to Hawaii. When I tell people, they give me the “yeah right”‘ look. Then I get the long list of how that just couldn’t work. I simply respond by saying, it’s what we feel is best for our family. Our family! Imagine that! Not what works for other families, but what works best for ours. Wishing you and your family a blessed and. wonderful new school year.
Meredith Kimbrough says
High freaking five right back to ya! Great post.
Carrie says
thanks! It is a choice that God has given us on how to parent the children he has entrusted us with.
I’ve worked in the public school system for the last 15 years, it has changed, is changing, and is not the right place for all! but it is for some as well. Praying that as parents we seek God’s approval over man’s.
Elizabeth Byler Younts says
This was my favorite line: “We’re one big modern society of fussy know-it-alls with a grotesque excess of opinions and information right at our fingertips.”
Everyone is offended by everything. So silly and who has time to waste acting like that!? I sure don’t! Good for you for making the right choice for your family. Many blessings on your new adventure!
Jordan says
I think the hip response to this would be, “Girl, yaaaas!”
But seriously, Peyton Manning didn’t start playing fball until 6th grade, Einstein didn’t start math until age 8 and on and on. I homeschool one of my kids and send the other down the road to our fantastic public (gasp! The horrors!) School. It’s tricky being in both worlds. I have yet to make it through a co-op day without someone going on a public school tangent ( often from the same person who was home-schooled themself and has zero experience with public schools). Its exhausting! Thank you for your honesty! It’s nice to know I’m not alone:) No one else will stand before God for the choices you make for your children… why people can’t just use that little red ‘X’ and move on I will never know!
MM says
?????This has been the best thing I have read in a long time!
Julia says
I appreciate all the lunchable ads at the bottom of the post. My kids eat them regularly. We need to just go where God leads us and calls us and not compare that journey to someone else’s.
Sue says
You go momma! You tell them. Daddy too.
Bridey says
Amen. AND after homeschooling for 13 years, one of my sons will be attending public high school starting next week. Yes, I cried when I dropped him off at orientation. But I’m so grateful that we have the best of all worlds now. 33 years Ago my mom was told she was insane for pulling her kids out to homeschool and now we as parents have so much support to home school independently, charter school, hybrid school, public school, school on the Internet, etc. We have the options to do what is best for each kid at the appropriate time and place. I’m excited for my son and all the new opportunities he will have–and I’m looking forward to a little more time with the kids that will still be homeschooling with me. Here is to options, choices, and doing what’s best for our kids!!!!
Bridey says
Hahaha. I am the one who has been homeschooling for 13 years and also has a college student and a high school senior in a home school charter program, plus some elementary kids. My son has NOT been homeschooling for 13 years and now finally starting as a high school freshman. Gotta clarify that one!
Joanna B says
Right on! Hugs and high-fives to you 🙂 Thank you for writing this and being so honest. And like a few others have said, you pretty much can’t go wrong with Williamson County Schools (we live in Nolensville!) and hope and pray this will be a wonderful transition for your 3 kids and both you and the hubby. All the best!!!
Tennille Mykula says
OMG, that rant was pure perfection. And I so appreciated it as “I’m jumping off a cliff” and homeschooling all four of my kids for the first time this fall. At least, “jumping off a cliff” is what it feels like to me. We just built a house, and moved into it not completely finished (ugh, living in a reno type situation…) and it’s been a super stressful year. We’re in the country and our kid’s school is in the city and it just feels like it’s all too much this year. Too much driving, too many lunches to pack, to many go-go-go’s and hurry up the bus is coming up the road. Too many “get the heck out of bed kid before I lose my ever loving mind-s”. It’s all just too much. So, we’re taking a giant leap back. Keeping the kids home so we can hopefully grow closer as a family and develop some much needed order and healthy habits. It’s been a really hard decision. And even as I prepare to order my curriculum I still feel like I need to breathe into a brown paper bag. But it’s just for this year. And then next year we reassess. If it works, great! We’ve had an amazing year as a family. If it sucks, great! We’ve had an amazing year learning together as a family. Feels like a win-win to me even though I still feel like I’m going to throw up at the sheer bigness of the commitment I’ve just made. But live and learn is what we’re going for. Anyway…thanks for the rant. It was refreshing. I’ve had some very well meaning friends say some super discouraging things about my choice. I was all like “I love you but I really want to punch you in the face right now because you just need to step off for a minute.” Of course, I didn’t actually say that but these people are supposed to be friends. Oh well. In the words of a well known poet, Miss T. Swift I chose to just Shake, Shake, Shake it off. Have a blessed day and keep sharing the hard stuff. It’s what life is made of most of the time.
Tracy says
I am a teacher and cannot imagine the workload of homeschooling my own children! Best of luck in this new, exciting chapter. Your post reminded me of the movie Bad Moms- if you haven’t seen it yet, get to it! It’s all about not judging others and doing whatever you need to do for your kiddos. And it’s hilarious. Just had to share.
April says
My son takes a lunchable to school every day because I know he will eat it. I also slice and peel an apple to go with it. It’s all about balance and what works for you. I’m sure your kids will have a great year!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Good for y’all! You GO Glen COCO! Just to be clear, I do NOT have a problem with Lunchables. I was illustrating a point on how ridiculous people can be… I think they’re amazing. I certainly don’t have the energy to fuss over such things. Or the energy for the people who do! HAHAHA! I probably came across that way though. I think Lunchables are grreeeeaaaaaat! {Cue awkwardly overenthusiastic Tony the Tiger voice}
Kat says
Amen. I agree.
And I’m doing the slow clap right now…
JSPillow says
I hope your kids had fun. They know your sacrifices. LOL- I remember being outside and gone until the street lights came on. Congrats! Glad you are in TN, its a great place y’all!
Jennifer Holmes says
I don’t know why we homeschoolers or former homeschoolers feel like we have to give a big explanation as to why we are choosing another route to educate our children. But we all do this! Including me! I have 6 kiddo’s from age 21 down to 6. We have homeschooled, done private school, done public school, done university model school… we have done it all!! LOL They ALL have their strengths and weaknesses. I always say that I will do what is best for my family each year and it does change;) My older 2 graduated from public school after homeschooling for the most part from K-7th grade. My 3rd child is a senior at a private school and I am still homeschooling my 3 younger kiddo’s. I can see my homeschooling days coming to an end for one of my children very soon. I can just tell that he may do better in a classroom. We shall see. Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to not feel bad or listen to naysayers:) I hope you and your children have a wonderful year!
Erin Cox Oney says
Good for you! I applaud your efforts to do the best you can for your family and to try to ignore all the haters.
Margaret says
I’m a long-time public school teacher and I am so glad there are choices. I applaud you for doing what is right for your children, both earlier in their lives and now at this time. Raspberries to the judgy-pants.
Alisha says
So proud of you for making the best choice for your family! My daughter is returning to school after being home schooled for the past 3 years. I totally get where you’re coming from. Hugs from one mama to another!!!!