Up until recently {and forget the fact that we were scraping ceilings} we kind of needed this on the inside, whenever we set foot our new abode {see: fixer upper/rehab/money pit – option d. all of the above}.
A few weeks ago, we were thrilled to share a little about the new Swiffer and Mr Clean Clean Slate Program. They’ve teamed up with Jonathan Scott to share a little bit about making a house a home. Because I think before we ever even begin making it our home… the first step in one way or another, is to clean. To make it feel right.
Our new home was totally ew. Moving in itself can be so chaotic… with all the craziness once you get in.
We’ve always loved Mr. Clean and Swiffer products. We’ve used them extensively on both ends of the moving process. From having our home on the market for oh, about twelve months {no biggie} we really knew how important it was to try our best and keep it up to par. And when they weren’t {see: crazy because of last minute showings and we were throwing things in the air and screaming and shoving the children under beds} we were so glad to have some trusty handy dandy tools to use in Swiffer and Mr. Clean for quick, awesome fixes. And we’re using them now for our in the meantime phase. We know when the dust finally settles {literally and metaphorically} their products will keep us sane in the new abode.
It’s the little, trusted things.
So in honor of #flashbackfriday, we’re excited to share their new jingle… which is a bit reminiscent of the original jingle which helped change how people clean by being tougher on dirt. {Refresh the page if it’s not loading immediately – their video is so cute!}
A bit of a sweet twist on the old, huh? If you watch it more than once, there’s cute little things throughout you may not have noticed the first time. The song is sure to get stuck in your head. Anyone out there remember the old one?
It’s a new take for a whole new generation, for sure. Gotta love Mr. Clean.
Have an inspired day!
Aimee says
I’d never seen that Mr Clean commercial, but the jingle is stuck in my head. My kids thought the new commercial was so cute, but couldn’t understand why the old one was in black and white. Of course they also don’t understand the idea of a TV without a remote. LOL