Matching costumes have always been a tradition with our kiddos, ever since they were old enough to call themselves siblings. Halloween may be one of their very favorite holidays… right up there with Christmas. Which is why we have always put so much thought into our family Halloween costume ideas.
This year, we decided to really get in on the fun, and do something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time… and they actually went along with it.
We can’t decide if this is obvious, or one of those things worthy of a pinterest #nailedit parody a-la Saturday Night Live… but at least we even had our R.O.U.S.’s! {Rodents of unusual size, y’all}. If you ask us, they’re the cutest we ever saw.
So here’s our next little installment in our video series, with more details below.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2017 – Princess Bride
We also had a fun little photo session since I’m usually the one behind the camera – we couldn’t have pulled it off without our fabulous friends Brian T. Murphy + Union + Dixie Candles who were gracious to snap a few photos!
So here’s a few things that we used, if you wanted to put together a costume entourage of your own. We ended up piecing ours together from things we had, along with items we purchased. Here’s a round up of most of the basics!
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• For princess buttercup
We kept it simple. Red dresses that looked like this were hard to find, so we grabbed one for Emerson. Of course, they have them in adult sizes, too.
• For Westley
We pieced Aiden’s costume together with black jeans, a sash, a black pirate’s shirt, and a zorro mask, since we couldn’t get our hands on one his size. You an opt for boot covers, but Aiden can actually wear my boots. So we just put those on him, and called it a day. They have the adult size, here.
{Swords for both Inigo + Westley from here – all other possible weapons from our own weapon collection}
I gave him a lighter mustache with some eyebrow filler I had.
• For R.O.U.S’s
We grabbed up these little rat ears here. They held them on long enough for a quick video and treats.
• For Vizzini
He was pretty tricky. I’m not sure most people are walking around, looking for a Vizzini costume. But we pieced one together with a green tunic, brown pants, his sister’s boots {or boot covers} and some ribbon to accent. {I simply hot glued it on from the back – NOT while he was wearing it} And we topped it all off with a balding wig because it’s hilarious.
• Inigo Montoya
In retrospect, that wig was doing nothing for me. But I found it here.I paired this shirt and vest with a pair of leggings and boots that I already own. I drew on a mustache and heavier brows with my eyeliner, but you can score one here. I also printed out a “Hello, my name is” sticker {and placed it on my shirt} because why not? I threw on one of my kiddos’ belts and called it a day.
If you want to skip all this {I already had some pieces} the entire costume is here.
• Fezzik
Is another option to piece together, but we decided to make it easy, and scooped one up here. In retrospect, this wig would have been better. {See our video}
And these are just a few fun group ideas for halloween… and per our tradition, revisiting the ghosts of Halloweens past:
Family Halloween costume ideas: Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
For their first halloween together, I remember Aiden being big into Disney’s Peter Pan. So it was pretty obvious what character Emerson would be. It was the first time I’d ever pieced anything together like this, and I painstakingly spent days, along with hand stitching everything for a personal touch. I learned my lesson after that. Kind of.
That halloween, little did I know we were expecting a third little surprise, and he would be making his debut to join the costume club the following year. {We finally figured out why I had flu-like symptoms around Thanksgiving that year} But he makes the cutest addition ever, if you ask me.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2009 – Beauty and the Bees
I’d lost my ever loving mind right after Malone was born, and decided they all needed matching bee costumes with handmade wings. WHAT.
I think I was trying to follow up from the following year, and I thought he should be included. As it turns out, I kind of enjoyed these little creations, and it was actually easy with pantyhose, puff paint, and black clothes with yellow tape. The little antennas were pipe cleaners. We had so much fun that year. In retrospect, I think Emerson was still devastated that she wasn’t the youngest anymore.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2010 -Argh Pirates
Pirates! This is the year we decided to build their pirate ship from cardboard and duct tape over their wagon. We painted, and then “distressed” it with a light coat of white paint. I hand painted a pirate symbol on black fabric for a flag, and tada! We had a pirate ship. The “canons” were red solo cups.
We made quick vests out of felt and hot glue with gold accents, along with red and gold fabric to add all the little details. No sew all the way, y’all. Plastic hats from the party store.
Pause: Are you seeing a pattern in my arsenal? Felt to avoid seams, hot glue to add accents, random pieces of fabric for the extra pieces, paired with all the basics. Tulle to disguise that I have no idea what I’m doing… Winning.
Until they jump into a bouncy house and I’m diving for a lost button. Because hot glue.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2011 -Mario Brothers and Princess Peach
The next year, we had a little Mario Kart action going on: Hats with felt, overalls, a homemade dress with tulle and elastic, and we were good to go. We were also winning with a cardboard crown and stick-on jewels. We went to my parents’ house where their cars are kept, and there ya have it… Mario Kart. Add some plungers for good measure. No, I didn’t build any giant turtle shells.
See how I got a little lazier each year?
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2012 Kung Fu Fighting
Kung Fu Fighters: Dyed karate suits from amazon, and some swords from their toy box. They sure were cute as little ninjas that year. Emerson was having none of it with the tutu conundrum and was oh so happy with just the pants.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2013 Ninja Turtles
TMNT: More plastic weapons and backpacks from Amazon, {What would we do without Amazon?} + dyed shirts and pants hand painted for the front-of-the-shell effect. More felt and paint for masks and fabric accents… sensing a trend here? They put all their candy in their “shells.”
Family Halloween costume ideas: Harry, Ron, and Hermione
Harry Potter: What can we say? Our kids were a natural fit ;} This was one of my favorites as it was Chloe’s last holiday with us. Easy Harry potter finds and angel wings {which made her an owl} for Chloe. We added some touches to the kiddos, with a crimper and hair paint, along with wands and fake glasses. Probably our easiest yet.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2015 Princess Leia, the bounty hunters, Yoda and Chewy
Star Wars circa 2015. And the pups made their debut the following fall, in a team effort as Yoda and Chewie. Thus beginning a new tradition… Also, princess Leia wasn’t going to be taken prisoner.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2016 The Force Awakens
The dogs faces were the best. They’re all, Why you betway me like this?
And then I saw Emerson’s.
Family Halloween costume ideas: 2017 Princess Bride
And of course, this year.
They’re sweet memories for sure. Have an inspired day!
Anna says
This is amazing. That is all.
Amanda says
Adorable you guys! Love all your ideas!
Pam says
You are such a lovely family. I adore this! Such a cute idea, guys! And such great costume inspiration ! Thanks for sharing all the details
Kim says
I just love fun family costumes at Halloween!! How awesome are all of these. Some great ideas here and good that they are homemade. I’m sure many will be using these ideas for Halloween.
Jenna says
Cuteness! Thanks for all the ideas!
Amy | The Happy Scraps says
These Princess Bride costumes are the best!! Love them!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thanks so much! We had a blast!
Kelly Mahan says
Omg, I love these halloween costumes! They’re so creative and joyful! Thank you for posting your tips!