Never in the history of posts, was a title so appropriate. #storyofmylife
And never in the history of anything, has this not been the most impossible transition ever.
I’m not even sure what I just said, but I hope it sounded exhausted and angsty to make my point. I mean, jewels in mah self-righteous crown, y’all!
So if you recall from our last status update on the money pit, things haven’t changed much.
We’ve come so far. We’ve worked so hard. Only to hurry up and wait.
It’s hard not to stomp my foot and pitch a fit. Have a good old-fashioned two-year-old tantrum, rolling around in the construction dust. I want to scream. To anyone who will listen. This, of course, would accomplish nothing other than exhausting myself and spraining something because, old, and maybe even hitting a nail which would require a tetanus shot and be gross and stuff.
Because meanwhile in apartmentville and all things getting our kids settled… We’re officially homesick. For a home.
But the humbling reality is, that we’re in a line. A long line of construction in our area. I feel like I’ve eaten my fill of humble pie, but it’s time for another round. In the form of waiting. Again.
The county in which we will reside, only has so many resources. And we’ve been waiting about five weeks now, to get the land survey that we needed. That happened Tuesday. {Hallelujah!} And from there, it will be sent to the soil scientists. And then back to septic. I’m this [] close to camping out at all their offices and homes and waiting. A-la shameless creeper.
From there, septic will then tell us where to run our pipes to the new septic’s new location {or old?} in our land. And then… and then ladies and gents… {drum roll please!} we can start on drywall, and all the fun stuff.
If I live to see it. I feel like I just may blow a gasket.
Speaking of gaskets… Total side note, but in the meantime I’ve started doing yoga. For lots of reasons {endometriosis and related cyst issues and back problems and stress and getting back in tune with my body <– TMI alert} So for the first time in my life there’s a reason for the yoga pants other than I ate too much bacon and I’m officially not a poser anymore. I’ve always been a runner, but because of my issues I can’t really do that right now. I’m terrible at yoga. I really am. But I’m still at the beginning so I’m hoping in the future, I have something to show for it like a better butt and deeper relationships with life and stuff. In that order because butts are important. All I know is that I’m like, really good at corpse pose. I joke now, but seriously, it’s already kind of rocking my face off. So, if you savvy awesome people have any online resources you love, this would be greaaaaaaaatttt.
Namaste, suckas.
Back from that absolute thought derailment: And this, my dear sweet reading friends {and probably a few here for the train wreck- pass me the popcorn} is the reality of rehabbing a home in a really insanely amazing housing market. WHEEEEEEEEE!
One day, we will look back at this, and laugh. And laugh some more.
One day.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
Now that I’m finished sounding like a total ingrate, we are so thankful. And we’re just focusing on that right now.
I shared a little bit of this on Instagram earlier this week, but it’s in the little things. Right before we moved, Malone was a bit hesitant. I mean, the child was being relocated from the only home he’d ever known, to an entirely different world. So understandably, he was upset. When we’d visited a few months before, he’d gone crazy over the amazement of catching fireflies. Our old home didn’t have them, and I loved that he loved them. It’s like a rite of passage for childhood… catching fireflies in a jar. So one night, when he was upset, I told him, “You know what? When we move, I can guarantee you there will be more fireflies than you can catch.” I had no idea if this was true. But I was rolling with it because it was late and night and there were tears and I needed something. Something to give him to be excited about.
And sure enough the yard and everywhere around us here, is aglow with fireflies at night. It sparkles so much, it feels like something out of a movie. It’s in the little things that we see here… The reminder of goodness and promises fulfilled in unexpected places. Like Naner Puddin’. And those amazing little glowing bugs that make us so happy.
So we’re grateful. We really are just happy to be here. And noticing those little things in the meantime. {And sometimes, sarcasm does make me feel better. I mean, writing is my therapy, after all.}
So stay tuned y’all. Because when it gets rolling, and we have a feeling it will be rolling soon… it will feel a bit like that giant boulder from Indiana Jones.
Minus the crushing death and spiders.
We hope.
Alice says
Hang in there! I know you guys are ready to be settled
Beth M. says
I can’t stand yoga! But I do it anyway once a week. I EXCEL at corpse pose! I really hope the county gets to you quickly. I can’t wait to see the progress!
Alexis says
I’ve heard Williamson county is a real nightmare. but I love that part about the fireflies!
Caitlin says to get your first whole outfit for super cheap. You’re welcome 🙂
Sarah says
Awww, girl! I feel for you! It’s so hard!
We’ve had a similar year! It’s been that long since I’ve felt settled. Thankfully, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s finally starting to feel worth it! We sold our house in September, moved to a rental 45 minutes from our lives (because it was owned by family and we could have it month by month), started rehabbing new house, everybody catching every bug all winter long, three feet of snow at two houses, and no snowblowers, exhaustion, frazzled tempers, and finally moving in way before it was finished because the extra distance to get to work and the house was killing us. We ripped out a lot of walls, drywalled, updated electric, and installed utility oak floors (because cheap and gorgeous, but so much work!), and now we’re mid-kitchen reno and I’m so sick of it all. I’m having a hard time putting the energy and (quickly dwindling) money into this project. Which is a bummer, because when done right, the kitchen is the best room in the house! 🙂
It will all come together and you’ll say, I don’t know how we lived through this, and you really won’t, but you’ll be glad you did because you’ll have such a special, personalized home. You can do it! 🙂
Christine says
I’m looking so forward to seeing all the great things you will do to your new home. I started doing yoga at the end of last year and absolutely love it. Fightmaster Yoga has wonderful online classes. There is also a 30 day and 90 day series that she does to build a healthy habit of yoga and lots of other classes.
ashley @ the handmade home says
Awe thanks so much!
Michelle says
Check out Yoga with Adriene …she’s awesome.
I can say from past experience, you will get better, and then you’ll be rockin’ it like whichever celebrity is totally into yoga right now. (Jennifer Anniston? Gwynneth Paltrow? Anyway…) At the moment, though, I’m right there with you, because I haven’t’ done it in so long. I live for corpse pose, blunder through the rest of it, and then feel all happy when I’m super sore in weird places the next day, because obviously something’s working, right?? 😉
ashley @ the handmade home says
I found her the other day and I’m doing 30 days of yoga! I LOVE her! great recommendation!
Magen says
I was about to recommend Yoga with Adrienne! She’s the best! Also, if you have the time, look to see if the library closest to you has free yoga classes. I know East Nashville library has a free class every Tuesday now through September.