It’s officially that time of year. The one where things feel a bit, well, stagnant. I’ve struggled to feel motivated or inspired by much lately, since we’ve been surrounded by covid + snow. But I’m trudging forward with the daily grind and whatever else sounds good here, anyway. In celebration of things literally feeling frozen {read: our addition and other jobs with major product delays-I’m ready to pull my hair out, some days} I thought I’d share a few inspiring little trinkets that are some of my recent faves, to get through the colder months. Most of them revolve around all things self care. Because sometimes we can all use a little colorful sparkle in our lives – favorite things: the winter doldrums edition.
You may even find some repeats on our list from things we’ve shared in the past, because I love them so much. So without further ado, favorite things: the winter doldrums edition.
1. Have you read up on the benefits of peppermint tea? Previously found at Trader Joe’s, this helps me relax at night + it’s that nice warm and snuggly feeling. Sans other drinks that aren’t as good for you. Zero calories, and it helps soothe the tummy.
2. Anything Oribe Gold Lust, but this dry shampoo is the best. A little bit of a splurge + thanks to my stylist, I’ve been using this product {shampoo + conditioner, too} for two years. My hair is the longest, fullest and healthiest it’s ever been. Seriously.
3. This little getaway wallet is the perfect size to grab and go. It organizes all your things and even has a little pouch on the side for your phone. Traveled with it in my backpack recently and it was oh so helpful.
4. Anyone else’s teens big fans of AE? I’ve recently fallen back in love because of them, and splurged on my own {adorable} pair of {flare} jeans+ this sweatshirt during a big sale. No shame or regrets. Sometimes, they have fun finds for us “old people”, too.
5. I shared about our Cricut this fall, but I really want to find time to do more with it. From t-shirts to useful labels. Talk about craft therapy.
6. This throw. I think you can see why.
7. These candles never get old.
8. On days when I spend too much time in front of the computer screen, I’m no longer messing around.
9. Clogs. Because flared jeans. Yes I went there. No judging allowed.
10. Because I’m asked this all the time and mirror balls never get old. ESPECIALLY in January.
11. Currently enjoying crossbody bags mixed with fun straps like these. Basically just take me back to 2000 in the fashion department. The jeans were more flattering, anyway.
12. This undercoat mascara + this on top. You’ll never need fake lashes again.
13. Because organizing my drawers might get me motivated with something fun like this. Currently using these in the kitchen.
14. My mother in law gave me this for my feet + I’m kind of obsessed. PERFECT to get through the dry winter with those cracked heels. Ew, David.
15. My planner really does keep me sane with scheduling and organization. And when it doesn’t, it kinda still does. ;}
16. These spray bottles for cleaning + water + bleach + powdered tide = best way to clean my house. SMELLS SO GOOD. {Probably jinxing myself, but I swear it helped us keep Covid to ONE a few weeks ago.} Maybe we’re just lucky but I’ll take it.
So maybe it’s totally silly, but these are some of the crazy little things that are giving me life right now, when I don’t feel so motivated in the cute/inspiration/cleaning/organization department. Just a little sparkle at the very least, helps me look forward to warmer days.
What are some of your favorite little things right now? We’d love to hear.
Have an inspired day!
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