Well hello all you lovely people! We hope this fantastical friday finds you fabulous. {Say it five times fast.} Just wanted to drop in with a little inspired eye candy today-we’re a little overdue for our latest Make Me Smile, and this one was feeling a bit well-traveled.
Confession: I have this secret little pipe dream… that has made it to the bucket list, and on that bucket list, it has been moved to the very top.
Just so we’re clear, I have two bucket lists. The oh-so-attainable, awesome cool bucket list, and the even cooler oh so awesome-r… (drum roll please) redneck bucket list. For instance, ‘normal’ people would add Europe, or the eight wonders of the world on their list. My redneck bucket list is saturated with a real live WWF wrestle fest where I wear a wife beater and scream like crazy for the people in the ring, then escape within an inch of my life because metal chairs are thrown and the crowd of sketchos grows unruly. Yes, I am dramatic. Roll with it. I may even be a real rebel and wear a fake tat. On my face.
In the middle of my list has something to do with rodeos and a monster truck ralley…and ends with Talledega and more wife beaters, because let’s face it, I’m from the south and I need to go. Jamin will be donning chops, and I may be wearing something of the overall cutoffs variety. I mean, you have to go all out if you are to participate in such shenanigans. {Disclaimer: Please do not be offended if you love WWF or Dega. We do, too. Obviously.}
But alas, I’m digressing.
1. I want an old camper. Preferably, an Airstream. I’ve wanted one for as long as I can remember, and I want an old one to restore. When the kids are older, I would love to spend a summer traveling route 66. I have this obsession with retro americana and all things in it. I know that may be officially classified in the pipe dreams section of life, but a gal can dream. Hide and watch. ;}
2. Vintage postcards are what all of you would be getting in the mail were I to take such a trip. And wouldn’t they look oh so handsome in a series of frames?
3. Vintage lawn chairs take me back to playing hide and seek in my grandmother’s carport (it was a carport, not a garage) when I was little. Her home is one of my very favorite places on the planet in Eupora Mississppi. The very place Jamin proposed to me.
4. On another note, if we’re going to see such American wonderfulness, I think I should have the perfect camera/laptop bag so I might document it as such…don’t you?
5. + 8. Vintage signage never gets old. Particularly with a splash of retro memorabilia. I’ve had my heart set on a Pure sign for some time now…I’m sure we’d find some on our trip!
6. This metal stool. Need I say more? 7. Picnics in this vintage basket. Yes please. 9. I need some patriotic bling like this for my trip. 10. I’m obsessed with this drink dispenser. Because if I had a camper, it would hold this drink dispenser. 11. I love nerdish additions like these petrified bookends. Only, I would find them on the side of the road in some awesomely obscure flea market. And then tell everyone because I’m a nerd. 12. Bikes are absolutely required.
And furthering our Route 66, Retro Americana pipe dream of the day vibe…
Check out this free amazing download from the super talented Joni of Lay Baby Lay. {One of my favorite bloggers!}
And some more airstream eye candy…here. Because we all need a little airstream in our lives. Surfboards make everything cooler, don’t they?
Happy escapism redneck Friday, y’all! Have an inspired day!
Kristen says
Thank you SO MUCH for the link to that download! My husband and I love the Avett Brothers’ cover of Spanish Pipedream. I’m practically giddy at the prospect of having it printed, throwing it in a frame, and hanging it somewhere in our house for him to discover!
Melanie @ MJ says
On my super secret bucket list it includes living in a camper. Love airstreams if done correctly.
Seriously Sassy Mama says
I like campers period. Portable homes you can take everywhere.
Anna Belle Young says
Yes, please, indeed. To all of it.
JP says
I love those bookends! But you are right. They would be much cooler and cheaper, if you found them on your own.
Andrea says
FYI…a couple of months ago there was a vintage airstream on the lot at Marlin Ingram in town. It may have your name written all over it. 😉
Trisha says
This post just made me smile. The whole post is just so me. Thanks for sharing.
Karen S. says
Maybe a compromise would be to go here: http://www.theshadydell.com in southern Arizona. My friend and her husband went there on a recent wedding anniversary and LOVED it!
Mary says
Oh girl, we are soooo meant to be BFFs!!! Lol! Ummm…I mean our 12 loves are exactly the same!
I need to do a little research now, you have reminded me of a little obsession I had going last summer. There is a little campground somewhere (I think AZ, but I could be wrong) that is a little Americana-love retro inspired neighborhood for Airstreams. It was on my bucket list of places I must see someday. It was in a magazine…but I can’t remember which one. Good think I rip these pages out, now just to find it among the pile. ;o)
Happy Weekend!
Pam Mabry says
You need to watch the episode of Junk Gypsies on HGTV. They redo an Airstream for Dirks Bentley. Turns out really cool.
Terry Gallemore says
Just love your airstream day dream! I sure hope one day you get your wish!