A sweet reader named Jo wrote in recently, and said: …I’m seeing a lot of organization posts this time of year, and I’m having trouble feeling motivated. I know it comes down to each individual home and person. I’d like to know, what are some of the best projects you all have taken on for your own house, that you feel have made the biggest impact when it comes to organization?…
We’re the very first to admit that we are the farthest from having anything “together”. I’m definitely struggling with finding my groove this winter, because I really haven’t had time to dive in with anything organization. {Read: It was a triumph to get the Christmas decor taken down.} We have our day jobs, just like everyone else that we won’t bore you with Blah blah blah. So while our home has come a very long way, a lot of it is about to change since we’re legit adding a new wing. It’s an old home, so we’ve had to add a lot over time. This is me saying it’s currently a little chaotic.
Jo is definitely on to something, and it’s definitely all about what works for you and your own home. I thought this was a great topic so today we thought we’d share / revisit some organization projects that have made a big difference for us personally, in hopes to keep it real, and inspire others. So without further ado, organization projects with the biggest impact on our home.
1. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: The Closets
It started with the closets. We knew from the beginning that in 1700 square feet of space {this is what we started with} the closets wouldn’t work.
I’d have to say more than just a good organization system, sometimes it takes an entirely new positioning to just make a house work.
We knocked through this wall, which was cutting off both closets in both rooms. And we were able to give the room space, so all three kiddos could share this closet. We’re in the process of spreading out as we mentioned above, but this set up made a big difference in giving more storage to an otherwise limiting space.
We also added barn doors, because it made more sense to open it up as wide as possible, and as a result, open up the entire room.
In our bedroom, we took on the same thing. We were able to add more to the space by changing up the closet and get it organized. By knocking out these walls, we were able to make the bathroom a tad bit larger, and the closet became a walkthrough system. Soon to be our daughter’s space, it’s functioned just perfectly for us in this in-the-meantime phase. We truly love that it’s worked either way.
Vertical shelving and baskets allowed us to fit more clothes in a tight space, while also staying organized. We shared the best small closet solutions here, after living with it for over five years. Now that we’re so close but so far away, we’re definitely ready.
It also helped to make everything bright and happy, of course.
2. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: The Entryway.
We know, because we lived without one for over a year. So when we redid the basement in phase two, we knew it was time to add some functionality to our main entryway. Five kiddos and two huge dogs and school and activities and working from home and and and… just like everyone else and the ins and outs of every day lives, it warranted a space to corral all the things.
You don’t have to build one. You can even purchase locker systems online for a simple addition. Just add something to that entryway to gather all the shoes and backpacks and school projects and yoga mats and outdoor toys that seem to wander inside. This space works really hard in the colder months, because it holds all our coats. But it was a great game changer when it came to creating space from literally nothing.
Which leads me to…
3. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: Bookshelves.
This one room in particular works really hard for us: TV area for family movie night, sleeper sofas for sleepovers, bookshelves for toy and book storage, and so much more. This is the place where the kiddos come to hang when the adults stay upstairs. So it meant a lot to have a space to round up all the toys and more. They’re out of their giant toy stage, and mostly into games and crafts now, and these bookshelves definitely work hard in this room.
I also ended up adding more bookshelves on the other side of these barn doors, in my office/studio area.
We had a bit of a tricky configuration with the crawlspace and sub panel that were definitely killing our vibe on this wall. Another example of working within your limitations and all things remodeling. We knew we needed all the storage we could get, and were thrilled to build a bookshelf around it all, to not only conceal, but make an otherwise challenging wall functional again.
Underneath holds samples, supplies, and more. You can see all the details for this little space, here.
4. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: The Recycling + Garden Center
Moving to the outside for inspiration, and something that’s pretty green… we needed a place to corral some more outside things. So from garbage cans to bins for recycling, gardening tools and more, we loved making this little lean-to shed to change the way things are used in our yard.
It created more space in our yard and organized all the things when it comes to recycling. See more of all those details, here!
5. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: Create Room.
I needed something to hold all our crazy supplies. This was a great solution, especially for someone who may not have the ability to take on an entire overhaul.
It’s also an amazing problem solver for apartments, and tiny spaces.
We’ve been really happy with the options this piece offers, and love that it holds and organizes so much.
We actually keep it on the side wall now, up and out of the way until we need it.
But it’s a game changer for putting in small closets in tight spaces. Check out all the options here.
5. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: Window Seats
Sometimes, it’s not the obvious places in a home.
When we built this addition, {I guess you could call this phase 4, in between the outside revamp + the basement overhaul} we knew we not only needed to keep it open for lots of opportunity for light, but also add space for good storage around the room.
This room consists of a place to entertain guests and dining, and a place to gather around a warm fireplace in the winter. We also needed plenty of storage, and decided to do just that, in two small bookshelves and the unexpected: these window seats. They open to hold all the things. Which has been just perfect for us.
We also added another window seat in our kitchen, which holds lesser used things like our crockpot, and more.
So there are always opportunities for storage in ways you may not have thought of before!
6. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: The Kitchen
Just sprucing up after the new year made a big difference, but it’s definitely time for us to revisit some of these ideas.
And our pantry organization, here.
7. Organization Projects With the Biggest Impact on Our Home: The Cabana Closet
When we finished the cabana project in the fall of 2020, we didn’t get around to organizing that closet until last spring.
But we were thrilled to dive right in and make it work hard for us. While we have a garage in our future plans {because THAT is our most asked question} this offered so much more in the way of floats, sunscreen, towels and more. Check out more of that here!
A home is always evolving, and it’s fun to decide what you really need as it grows with you.
We hope this helped with some of your questions, or for anyone else who may be wondering what on earth helps when it comes to making a few spaces work in an older home, and all things organization.
As always, let us know if you have any questions.
Have an inspired day!
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