Once upon a time, I had the grandiose idea to share Disney Tips on The Handmade Home. It would be a collection from our own experiences, and the experiences of sweet friends and readers. We even had an entire series.
Good times. Goooooood times.
Disney Tips
It was fun for a while, until we realized we’re not really Disney bloggers, and there’s a reason for entire websites with information dedicated to just that. The ever-evolving labyrinth that is Disney – the info changes every few months and aintnobodygottimeforthat. If you click on over to our archives page, you’ll still find some pretty great Disney Tips, hi lights and useful info… if we do say so ourselves. We still have some great takes from friends and readers with wonderful tips, if you wish to check out our older posts. Some of the comments are the absolute best for things to consider when taking your fam on a trip.
But we recently lost our everlovingminds and took a trip totally different from those in the past, so we thought we’d come back in with a few quickDisney tips of our own – just a few of our faves:
Disney Tips – You don’t have to spend a fortune –
The last thing we needed to do right before moving, at Disney. I mean, are we crazy? Yes. But we’re not totally bankrupt, either. ;}
We’ve done Disney different ways. This was definitely a fly-by-the-seat trip, and it was by far our favorite. I guess the beauty of it is, that no matter what your child’s age, it’s different every time. This time, we did it on hotel points, and brought all our food and snacks and waters into the park with an occasional snack to treat the kids. Iced waters in a cup are free, and there are plenty of places to sit down and eat and then go again. We really utilized our riding time this trip, because we weren’t ‘stuck’ with dinner reservations. We love those and will do them again and we highly recommend it. But this wasn’t our first rodeo, so this version was kind of great. When considering everything in your budget, be sure to remember you can also do it cheaply… and coming from both sides I can assure you that it’s just as magical. For more info on the dining plan, be sure to check out our past posts, here.
Disney Tips • Magic bands –
even if you’re staying off property, you can purchase some at the front desk. We caved and purchased some, as a little souvie for the kids and because we’re suckers. It just made it easier, for us with three kiddos, to keep up with everything.
But also? The bracelets will scan while you’re on a ride. So that silly photo of crazy faces your brother made, will automatically load to your Memory Maker package, and you don’t have to scan a thing. It picks it up on it’s own. We were amazed. It can find your image on rides and automatically upload them – and you can upgrade to all of this… at the gates. Tips: Don’t lose your magic bands when you get back from your trip. {or hand them out to your kids like we did to have them lost in a drawer somewhere} If you think you may go again, save them… they will reset when you go back. So if you have old ones, take note… and use them.
Which brings us to…
Disney Tips • The Memory Maker Package –
in our opinion, is worth every penny. We’ve shared a little on this in the past, but no more hanging on to your giant camera in the parks, or scrambling for that photo of your family. Once upon a time when I worked in the parks circa 2000, we would purchase the occasional photo. And have the printed out version, toting it around with us, hoping it didn’t get wrinkled after spending ten bucks. That’s hilarious to me now because technology.
Anyone will take your photo in the park, and scan your bracelet/card. Done.
Oh and my brother linked up to ours while we were there. So their photos were available for them to upload, from our package. If you’re traveling with someone, you can go halfsies. Winning.
Disney Tips • Jawas will trade with you at Hollywood studios.
If you have any Star Wars fans out there, this was definitely our kiddos’ favorite. Head on over to the Star Wars Launch Bay in the park. They’re redoing all the Star Wars stuff now, but this is currently located over by Disney Junior on the right side of the park when you enter. There you’ll find Storm Troopers and characters… our very favorite was Chewie. Just be ready, because Kylo Ren does not break character, if you have a small child. Jamin told him we liked Chewie better and he was “angry” – good times. And Chewie was amazing because he freaked out over Aiden’s shirt which had a storm trooper on it. Faces = priceless.
But my point? Around the characters section, you’ll see a bunch of cool movie relics. And on your way out toward the store, Jawas come and go. They trade droid parts for anything you want to trade with them. Just get your kiddos to bring some things… the first day we were not prepared, and they did not like our lame trade options of paper clips and hair ties. But the second time around, we brought the hotel shower set and they went nuts. It may sound silly but this was a big deal to our kids… they were the perfect age for it. You can purchase the rest of the droid parts in the store near Star Tours.
Well played, Disney. Well played.
Disney Tips • Photo Booths –
Keep an eye out for photo booths in various parks that work with memory maker. Simply sit in a booth, and they’ll scan your band after you’re finished. So much fun for the kids. And apparently Jamin.
Disney Tips • Storytime with Belle –
If you want your picture taken during Story Time with Belle, {Magic Kingdom} but your kids didn’t want to participate in the acting because they were having an off day or are shy – be sure they jump in at the end when they’re announcing the “actors” (get in line) so they can have their photo taken – it’s their chance to see her.
Disney Tips • Star Wars Jedi Training Academy –
{Hollywood Studios} They’ve changed it up. When you enter the park, go left to the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost shop. Cast members can direct you there. Beware of extra magic hours though, because the morning we signed up, a lot of places were taken because Hollywood Studios had been open an extra hour for on property guests. {A perk to staying on property} If this is important to your little one, be sure to plan your trip around this. Again, we flew by the seat of our pants, and still got in because we high tailed it when the park opened.
They’ve changed the class, though… and not every Padawan gets to fight Darth. They’ve made the classes larger, to accommodate all the interest. And they’ve made them more female friendly, which we were glad to see. Our first time around, Emerson was one of the only girls in the class. This time around, probably with the release of the new movie because duh, Rey is a big deal, it was equal parts male and female. This time we noticed one of the teachers was female, as well as an Inquisitor who also fights the kids with Darth. As parents of a little girl who is obsessed with all things Star Wars {Hollywood Studios was our very favorite park this time} we both appreciated this little change.
Chances are, your kids are like ours, and will think its cool either way. But if you really want to fight Darth, here’s a little tip: Don’t make a big deal out of it, but when they’re lining up the kids, there will be two rows to walk them through the park. Line up in the right line {the outermost, second line beside the building/your right if you’re facing the direction they are turned to walk through the park}, instead of the left one. That line goes to Darth, the other {left line closest to the building} to the Inquisitor when they break up the class on stage. – They could change this as I write it. But if you’re going soon… just a helpful hint.
Disney Tips • The Monorails –
If the monorails are crowded to take you to a park, jump on the resort monorails. It’s a few more stops but worth it for being able to sit down. We saw hoards of people waiting in line, so took the resort monorails… and I’m pretty sure we arrived faster. Our kids love monorails and Malone calls them “bullets” so it was extra fun for him.
Disney Tips • Fast Passes + Rider Swap –
You’ll find more info on this specifically in our older posts. But take advantage of these. Also? I think we got about four extra fast passes during our stay {which lasted a week – yes, we are crazy} But you never know when a cast member will hand you one. Ask for fast passes. Just ask. I mean, don’t be awkward or anything. Play it cool. But you never know when you’ll get one. For instance, Jamin helped a cast member figure out how to position the ropes in a line full of people. So then we jokingly asked for a fast pass. And fast passes we received. We stood in line to have our photo taken, and a lady cast member walked up and handed them to us afterwards. Boom. Just saying.
These guys don’t stop for photos. But if you follow them around long enough, {don’t get run over/trip anyone up} they just may turn and oblige. It probably helped that all our kiddos were decked in Darth apparel.
Disney Tips • Fireworks –
Here’s two recommendations for Fireworks while you’re there:
- If you want a different experience other than right in front of the castle because you’ve been there done that, or want good seats because you’re on crowd overload: Watch the fireworks behind the castle. They were on both sides of us when we came out of Storytime with Belle, and it was spectacular. Also, if you want to catch some cool rides that have been crowded all day, during the fireworks are the time to do it.
- The fireworks show at Hollywood Studios is SPECTACULAR right now. Especially for Star Wars fans. Can you tell we were on a kick with the kids this time? Get in front of the Chinese Theater and you can thank me later. Also – don’t miss Fantasmic. You can catch it right before the fireworks that night, and then walk over to the Chinese Theater.
Disney Tips • Epcot –
Epcot’s Character Spot near Innoventions West (Innoventions West I believe is currently closed) is a great spot to meet characters (Mickey and Minnie and Goofy – I think they rotate Goofy with others.} Baymax is right across from them. Don’t miss him – he’s adorable + his eyes even blink.
Disney Tips • Be Our Guest Restaurant –
Book a breakfast at Be Our Guest first thing with the earliest time you can get, in the morning for a breakfast.
They take reservations, and will check your number to get there before the park opens. Guess what happens after you eat? The park is all yours. My brother and his family did that their last day since it was a whirlwind trip for them. {They arrived half way through ours} We would have joined them, but we were comatose in the room. They had wait-free lines on everything in the back side of the park {from the carousel, back} and great photo ops without rando guy and his screaming child in the corner. Seriously try it. They had a blast and absolutely loved it. Worth the splurge, especially if you have small children and they want to ride the perpetually crowded rides like Peter Pan.
And you don’t have to stay on property to score those reservations.
Disney Tips • Take the Train –
{Magic Kingdom} This is a rookie pointer, we know. You’re probably embarrassed for me, that I’m mentioning it here. But we wish we’d discovered it sooner than three trips in on the last day. I think someone recommended it here before, but it has three stops over the Magic Kingdom, and is often overlooked. It travels the perimeter of the park, and is an amazing tip. Going from one end of the park to the other? Need a breather? Take the train. Take it. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. Our feet are still swollen from this trip and we feel skinny because we weren’t on the dining plan… but take the train. Your kids and body will thank you for it.
We hope these quick tips help anyone who’s venturing into the parks soon. We want to hear some of yours! You guys always have the best ones! Fire away – and let us know if you have any questions!
For all of our old posts on Keys to the Kingdom with food for thought, what not to miss, and more… be sure to check them all out here!
Anna says
These are perfect. And I can’t wait to dig into your old archives- thank you!
Suzanne says
We stayed at the Contemporary resort this trip. One night leaving Hollywood Studios our bus line was packed to the hilt but only a handful in the Polynesian line. So we hopped on their bus, grabbed a Dole whip and watched Magic Kingdom’s fireworks from the beach. Then boarded the monorail to our resort. It was perfection! (In other words if you’re off the monorail and your bus line is long check the other resort bus lines that are off the monorail and then hop on the monorail to get to yours.)
ashley @ the handmade home says
LOVE this! It pays to think outside the hoards! Once upon a time I doubted I would survive the zombie apocalypse. Then I went to Disney. HAHA!
Jenny B. says
Fun! I will be adding breakfast at Be Our Guest to our next trip itinerary. 🙂 Also, not sure if you know this, but if you have a Disney Infinity video game, you can scan your MagicBands to get Disney park extras in your toy box. On Disney Infinity 3.0 (which is the one we have), you get the Walt and Mickey statue / garden to go in front of the castle. 🙂
ashley @ the handmade home says
Ahhhhhh! Had no idea. Thank you for the tip! I will probably keep that one to myself since the kids are huge fans- and we had no idea! ;}
Jessica Anderson says
I Love your Disney posts!! Sometimes the Disney blogs and websites ate information overload. You always give practical advice for families, and your disney series is how I first found your blog, actually! Thanks for the tips!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thank you so much, Jessica! You made our day ;}