Hello. And welcome to another installation of ouw favowite thing on this websites: Life truths according to Rigby & Fitz.
I mean there’s like other gweat things on this websites, but this one is ouw favowites because we are the bestest things evers. Duhs. Today, we are discussing food anxieties. Did you know there is such a thing? Because we has its.
I guess it would be more of a food rivalries, but anyway. Sometimes, we fight over the foods.
Yes, we fights. Even siblings fights, so do not judges us, okays? We awe not pewfect. Just ask the mama human’s gawden. Oh wait. It doesn’t exist anymores. So you can not asks its. Those cucumbuws and flowurs were so goods!
This is what happens when we plays in the duwts. We can haz all the muds.
But to the points: It’s more like little squabbles once we learned that we were not allowed to do the fightings. We haven’t had many issues because the humans nips it in the buds weally fast. But here is a stories about the foods. Because when we were littles and just adopteds, we did not know where our next meals was coming fwoms. When the daddy humans brought us homes and fed us that nights, we went cwaaaaaaaazy over the foods. Like, doves into it cwazies.
We looked like those psychopath dinosaurs on the Jurassic Worlds when it ate the chubby guys. We were all chomp chomp give it to us nows! The humans leawned vewy quicklies that it was a good ideas to separate us when the foods were given to us because we like to fweak outs over its. This was until we leawned. Soon after that, we calmed down though.
In fact, we calmed down so muches that the humans let their guards down. Rigby got all finicky with her foods and let it sit a little too longs in the bowls. Pewpetually she did this. And I was patient. If you ask me, she had her chances, so one day when she wasn’t looking, I ate it alls.
I mean, finduhs keepuhs, SUCKAHS.
Fuwst I was all, “Awe you going to eat this sistuhs?” And she did not answer mes. Maybe it was because I was already eating its when I asked, and maybe it was because it was more of a whispers. Maybe Rigby needs to work on the paying attentions.
We have our special bowls in our special places, and I just went over and gobbled it all up. The mama humans busted mes, but only after most of it was all gones. So I just wagged my tail real big and gave her my bestest puppy dog eyes so I didn’t get into the twoubles. But not before she took the rest of it aways. It didn’t wowks. I say what’s the hawm in a little extwa foods? Do you think I am chubbys?
This was how it all began. But I wegwet nothings.
Because the next day, Rigby sought her revenges. She told me later it was to teach me a lessons. And she did. Because when the parents served the food, I was kinda full fwom that fabuwous double header the night before and didn’t get there fuwst. They were doing schools with the little humans, and Rigby went right for mines instead. Did you know she ate all my foods? When the parents came in to the room to see what we were squabbling abouts, I was hiding behind a cwate while Rigby ate my foods. And bawked at me. She was so mads. And I was scaweds because the Rigby has more of the Pyrenees mama in hers than I dos. That means she is bigguhs. Just big enough to take me.
I should not have messed with the Rigbys because she ate my foods and the humans had to take it away fwom huws. I still wegwet nothing. You snoozes, you loses. At least thats how I think it goes.
No wowies though because after that, the humans watched us carefullies and we ate all our food in our own bowls like big gurls.
We awe working on it. We awe bestest fwiends but even sometimes the bestest frwiends awe aggwavatings.
Kind of like the other days when we were eating the peanut buttews and Rigby still had some on her noseses. I licked it offs, and she gwoled at mes. Can you believe she did that? I mean, like she wanted that peanut buttews or somethings. Was she saving it for latews or whats? She is so gwumpy sometimes. She says I have no respect for the personal spaces. Whatever that means. Widiculous.
But I digwess.
She is still my bestest fwiends. And we always makes up. Even if the parental humans say we are like adding two more {slightly less demanding} small childwen to the families. Whatevew that means.
Until next times… #rigbyandfitz
k.hightower says
Adorable! I’m in tears over here! they’re like ‘lil twin 3 year old girls. I’m in love…..
Amy says
Love this! So cute!