Whether it’s a playroom or basement space, common shared area or their individual bedrooms, we’ve designed a lot of spaces for kiddos over the years. We have to say, out of all the areas that we’ve tackled, they’re our very favorites. Today, we’re sharing some smart solutions for childrens’ spaces! {Hint: It has a lot to do with breaking the rules and doing whatever works for you.}
1. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Shelve it
We can not possibly over emphasize our love for bookshelves! From built ins and surrounds for entertainment centers to simple additions to a home library, they make such a huge difference when it comes to books. We’ve always been big believers in a space for all things book and storage, and we love the way bookshelves can bring a whole new element to a room.
Remodeling this space to include a built in was a real game changer for this family! See more of this space here!
Simple additions like a bookshelf to any kind in a space, not only helps designates room for things like books and more, but it encourages everyone to keep it organized, too. And anything that encourages reading, is a win in our book.
see this space {and the entire home tour} here!
2. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Create space
The pandemic really changed the way everyone looks at their home these days. And some of our favorite changes, really are the simplest. This sibling duo needed room to work at home, and we were more than happy to help them create more room where it was needed. The key to children’s spaces is thinking outside the box, and we love the way this one turned out! See more of all the details, here!
3. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Shared Spaces
This is one hot topic, and I don’t mean the store in which everyone wanted to shop circa 1998.
We will finally split it up when it comes to all things bedrooms and sibings in the beginning of 2022. Our children {at least two of them} have always shared some spaces with one sibling or the other. To be honest, they could probably keep going, if we let them and I’m not sure they’ll make it if we split them up. But we’ve had a lot of fun revising them over the years. One of our favorite changes made in our kiddos room, was this loft. It was perfect in a tight space when the boys were younger, and shared their room.
see the original post here + our tips for shared kids spaces, here.
It also made it fun in the meantime, and I think we can all use a little more fun. Our point? Whatever works. Don’t be afraid to go against the status quo if that means sharing, especially if they’re having fun. And don’t be afraid to make it interesting when it comes to getting creative.
Which brings us to…
4. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Bunk up
Kind of another version of the point we made above, we love the opportunity for a good bunk bed. It’s always awesome to consider extra bedding options in a shared space. Even if it’s just in a sleeper sofa option, kids love to camp out around the house, celebrate with slumber parties, host overnight guests and more. The more options the better when it comes to sleeping arrangements, is what we’re finding. Check out our sleeper sofas here + the house for hope, where we went for built in bunks, here. The more functional a space, the better.
5. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Let Them Express Themselves
Now that our children are older, we’re finding that it helps to give them a space to express themselves. It’s important to bring in simple elements for a big impact in a space.
see more about simple elements for a big impact, here
We love all the fun character we brought into this room, but what we really love is the simple way that she can dictate what goes over that desk. By giving them a fluid area to create, it’s the little things that make a big difference. So from photographs of friends to their latest art creation, it’s so much fun to offer that in a kids’ space.
6. Smart Solutions for Childrens’ Spaces: Extra Space
I feel like we can all use a little extra space these days. Heck, we’re currently building an entirely new addition. Out of space for organizing all the smaller things? Just need something to hold art supplies, school supplies and more? Cart it. That sounded like I was trying to be gimmicky. But these clever little carts are such a smart solution, we love the way they work with limited space, offering many more options!
See more about this little playhouse here, but from books to school supplies, our cart has been oh so handy!
OR, create space where there is none
If the first example was a simple cart, the next example is a doozie. This is to share the concept that from knocked out walls to simple carts, whatever truly works for your home and family is best. We ended up taking two simple closets in our very own home, and turned them into a walk through, with lots of shelving options and storage on each side. It may not seem much, but it added extra square footage, and allowed for more space on the inside. We also think it’s prettier this way, so there’s always that.
What are some of your favorite smart solutions for childrens’ spaces? We’d love to hear!
Have an inspired day!
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