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Pssst… to see the entire series with how-tos, be sure to check it out here!
We’re thrilled to have this handmade hideaway up and going today, y’all.
This one truly is a hideaway… as it’s back and away, and then up and behind some fabulous branches.
Jamin pulled back said branches {as much as he could, anyway} so we could score this shot. We love the fact that it feels like a true treehouse.
I even played the “Up” soundtrack when I photographed it because, well, it just felt appropriate. ;}
We feel like we built a glamping/bungalow/cabin/house. But handmade hideaway is still sticking when it comes to the name.
This little monster stands at 10 x 12 x 16.5 feet tall, and it was a true labor of love. Because it took us a while. And we’re tired.
We went large and in charge this time, because we wanted a hideaway that could grow with our kids.
Into teenager-hood as a hang out spot.
It has a lot of the same look as our original hideaway, just large and in charge with some fun additions. We hated that we had to leave the old one behind, and because of septic and codes for our renovation here, we took a while to get started. In retrospect, that was probably for the best since it would have been a bit much for us to take on last summer with the renovation of our own house. {Hello planking all the ceilings and painting all the things}.
They love the same old look with the railings, but some fun new colors inside.
The little barn light is from Wayfair – it adds some major character and we love that it lights it up at night.
We can watch the kids from the house that way when they’re out late… and this way they can see.
This time, we included a lower level, and decided to screen it all in. So to get to the bottom level {we call it the sleeping porch area} we made a trap door.
Because trap doors are all the rage this year.
And then put a big light-up arrow, just in case they miss it.
All the color.
And we love the view with all the greenery surrounding it, as well.
They use this vintage chicken carrier to store their board games inside.
Table + Chairs
The table and chairs are also from the fabulous Wayfair.
(Side note: if you’re looking to revamp a space in your home or outside your home, check out Wayfair’s home improvement selection, which includes Hardwood and Laminate Flooring, Door Knobs, Cabinet Hardware, and so much more.)
We love that they can grow with the kiddos.
Can you believe they’re outdoor? They add so much to the space, we were smitten when we spied them.
We rehabbed an old rug from the boys’ room in our last house, and added more color to spruce it up.
This serves as the perfect little hub for all things books, games and art.
We kept the windows large and open to create plenty of opportunity for cross breeze on the top level.
We decided to go with something different this time, and we’re thrilled by the way it turned out a-la Tuftex.
Of course, we’ll have lots more info coming soon, but they have different colors and options.
And we adore the way the roof lets plenty of light in, while still protecting it from rain, branches, and various bird mishaps.
Right after this little shoot, a torrential downpour came the next day. That first time always makes you a little nervous after creating something and spending so much time on it all. Everything stayed completely dry. Winning.
Paint colors used:
We went with HGTV HOME™ by Sherwin-Williams, and chose the Color Pizzazz Color Collection. We adore the playful look they have and the fun results that came from all of them.
• Marshmallow – HGSW4063 – The white exterior that you see
• Nurture Green – HGSW2275 – That yummy green color
• Balanced Beige – HGSW2486 – For the trim
Accent colors :
• Coral Reef – HGSW1074
• Classical Yellow – SW2865
• Tidewater – HGSW2317 – you may remember that blue from our ceilings in our house.
The floors may be one of our favorite parts.
We painted the sides of the hideaway first, and then moved on to stain the floor.
But by then, there had been quite a few little mishaps in the form of spilled paint. Especially with kids helping. JK I mean, that was all me. Because there was 1/3 of a can of Nurture Green casualty in the far corner of the porch, that dripped down to the level below. And it was all by yours truly. RIP Nurture Green.
So when it was time to stain, I tried sanding, and realized my entire body would go numb by the time we finished, and I was probably tacking a week on to the project. We decided to do a little work-smarter-not-harder action. We’ll be going over this one in more detail, for a special post but we cleaned, stained, painted, and then stained again. We adore the way it looks. Happy accidents are the best.
Thompson’s® Water Seal® in Signature Series Semi-transparent –Honey Gold
We love how it played so well with all the paint color for a great contrast.
This little knob was some old hardware we found at the local flea market. We matched up a pair, and knew it would make the perfect little addition.
And of course, what’s our handmade hideaway without an M for our last name?
Or stripes?
Stripes forever y’all. It’s the one pattern that never goes out of style.
We love that the kiddos put their own little twist on the foundation when it was being built – to remember when their hands are too big to fit in those prints anymore.
I’m still recuperating, but we really tried to enjoy this process, since we knew it would be our last handmade hideaway to build for the kiddos.
That is, until we have grand kids, I guess ;}
We love that they have the little shelves like before, to fill in with their collected treasures.
For the trap door, we added little hinges, and a small rope handle to make lifting and securing it easier. {How to specifics coming soon}.
And below, is probably my favorite part.
Because you can find me here on cooler days when the house gets a little rowdy. ;} For napping, and a good book.
In plenty of style.
Pillows + Hammock
Fabulous outdoor pillows {here and here} from Wayfair
We love that they’re large and in charge for all the floor sitting, glamping, game playing and napping soon to take place.
Hammock is also from Wayfair.
We love the little ladder and all the details.
Does anyone remember this old swing? We gave it a fresh look, as well.
It has been covered in rust for the last almost-decade. It’s handmade – We purchased this from a local welder in Montgomery when Emerson was born. The paint definitely freshened it up and brought it back to life. It was long over due.
Once upon a time, this spot was an awkward eye sore with lots of gravel. So we cleared it out, and built a handmade hideaway, instead.
The kiddos wanted to re-create their first photo from our original post.
Close enough – they grow so fast. ;}
We hope you enjoyed our little tour. For the tutorials follow the links (Foundation, Framing, Railings, Roof framing and siding , Painting tips and trick, the screens, door, and ladder , and adding the roof panels.
The beauty of this is that you can alter it to cater to your needs… this is simply a change-up of the first.
There’s a round up of all the original how-tos in order here as well as the complete supply list here.
Be sure to check out all our amazing reader creations here with this hashtag… and share your own!
Have an inspired day!
Christi @LoveFromTheOven says
This is amazing! We built your first version at our previous home, and it was one of the hardest things to leave behind when we moved. I think we need to bring 2.0 into our lives!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Awe I feel ya! We had to leave ours behind, too. DO IT! Thanks so much for your sweet words!
Jenna says
You guys amaze me. Every time. But this is incredible!
Pat Miller says
O.H. M.Y. G. O. O. D. N. E. S. S.!!! That hideaway is the cutest EVER!! I could tell a lot of thought ( and hard work) went into it. The details are proof of that! Lucky kiddos!
You R.O.C.K. !!!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thank you so much for your sweet words, Pat!
Christy Dillon says
Do you sell the plans?
Tania says
OMG this is the coolest thing everrrr!!!!!!! Ashley you hit it out of the park! I can’t even pick my favorite part. OK, maybe it’s the stripeddoor, or the tractor, or the hammock – I just don’t know!!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thank you so much, Tania! We are TIRED! Will I be seeing you soon at a certain event this year?
Shirley says
This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen! It’s just fabulous- and will get lots of use this Summer. I’d spend hours on that lovely hammock. Well done.
ashley @ the handmade home says
Right?! We were working the other day and banned the kids outside. They never came back and we had to come looking for them… in that hideaway. It’s raining today. I may sneak outside to the hammock myself for a while! ;}
Julie @Life of Bliss says
It’s absolutely adorable! Love it all & im so jealous! 😉
ashley @ the handmade home says
Awe thank you so much Julie!
Stacy Risenmay says
I adore this! If I had seen this online without credit to you, I would still have known it was yours! It has “you” stamped all over it! I love your fun style 🙂
ashley @ the handmade home says
You are the sweetest, Stacy. Back at ya friend! I hope to be seeing you soon?
Betty says
WOW! What a great family retreat. Many memories to come.
Bonnie says
It’s perfect!! So many good memories will be made there.
Kim says
Gah! This is Ah.Maze.ING! I was hoping to see your final reveal before we started building ours, but we had to get moving on it so we just made up our own thing, using your original hideaway as one inspiration. We have rules in our neighborhood so couldn’t have done the 17 footer, but ours isn’t a peanut, either 🙂 We are ready for the railings and now I have yours to look at again – yay! And ours will have a trap door, as well – still figuring that one out. And a slide. And a swing. My poor husband will be at it all summer but now I can’t wait to PAINT! Looking forward to the tutorials and all the details – please share how you liked the paint, too….I do NOT want to do more coats than I need to! 🙂
ashley @ the handmade home says
HAHAHA we feel ya on the rules thing – that was our first hideaway so we totally get it. We were paranoid with that one and getting in trouble. This one still makes me paranoid because it’s so big, but we also live in a neighborhood where anything goes {unfortunately?}! But at least it’s hidden. The paint really worked out wonderfully. We especially loved the way all the paint colors played together, but that green in particular went on beautifully in one coat. White was a little different because it’s white, and we’re probably crazy to paint it that color in the first place, but we only had to touch up in certain places. I thought I was going to die painting that thing because ALL THE COLORS. 😀 We will have a whole post on it, soon.
Sue says
Holy Toledo,this is one hot homemade hideaway. Absolutely the cutest thing ever.
Jenny B. says
I love the recreated photo! So sweet. I think that roof material is the same stuff they have over the pergola at my son’s OT clinic, and I have been wondering what it was! So cool!
Anna says
So beautiful. Good job and thanks for sharing! Shall revisit this post for any dose of needed inspiration in the future. Thank you!!!!
MC says
I love it! My husband wants to build a tree house but I just like these hideaways so much better! I’ll be sharing this and the first version with him! You all did an awesome job!
ashley @ the handmade home says
It’s so much fun and so worth it!
Joy Shanor says
I. LOVE. THIS!!! This would be a great She Shed! I need this in my life!! I am thinking of all the books I could read while in that hammock…or the swing! This is a PERFECT hideaway. Your kids are so lucky and blessed!!!
Amy says
I love it! The colors you chose are perfect and I really want too take a nap in that hammock!
Okay so I know this will probably sound insane but I guess it’s the wife of a firefighter in me. Anyways, is there a way out of the bottom portion other than the trap door? Like if by some freak accident it caught fire could they easily pop the screens out? I know I’m crazy and overly paranoid but I just had to ask. Also, do you put this on your house insurance, so that if it got damaged by a storm(hello Tennessee tornadoes)you could rebuild it? Or do they just cover stuff like that? Sorry, for all the questions.
Jamin Mills says
Hey, Amy, well I never was an insurance agent, but I did work at a Fire Dept. for a bit. So I’d talk with your own agent, but our home policy covers buildings on the grounds (we have others) I would think you can easily add it in for next to nothing if your policy doesn’t already have that rider. As for the crazy accidents, yes they happen, see Satan’s garden stool, ( We handle that in two ways. First, the screens are not on a track, but simply stapled in place (post coming on this) Our children have the strength to punch it out. Also, another reason there are lectures to every kid that plays in it to not touch the screens! And why we don’t let kids younger than ours in the hideaway unattended. Second, we added a fire extinguisher, just like you have under the kitchen sink. Yeah, it’s not in any pictures because #theyreugly, but we will address that in a later post. Hope that helps some, but great questions!!
Adam says
Absolutely amazing job to both of you! I hope to build this one day, for now though, I am building version one. In process of gathering materials I found that the Rocky Mountain West region of the US is completely void of any 5/4 decking!!! Sad about that, however, I did finally get a Home Depot willing to special order some 16-foot pieces for me. I love the look of the 5/4 decking and was not willing to compromise.
Those of you that live back east, thank your lucky stars that composite decking hasn’t taken over the market! I cannot find good wood decking products anywhere within 900 miles (literally).
I look forward to reading the tutorials and one day building this gorgeous hideaway! I am not sure I could get away with building something as tall in my current yard without city ordinances and building permits having to be taken care of first… someday, I love it from top to bottom!
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thanks so much, Adam! Crazy about the wood! Good luck with your awesome hideaway – please send us pics -we can’t wait to see!
Becky says
It’s amazing. What memories your kids will have!
Debra says
LOVE THIS. Can’t say it loud enough. My wheels are turning how to attach this to a garden/storage shed. We live in the city limits and can only have one detached structure. Thanks for sharing.
Liz says
We were planning to do the original hideaway for our 3 girls. But just saw this! We are going 2.0 for sure! I love this thank you so much for sharing. Can’t wait to see all the posts to start our. Amazing!!
Cecilia Kuklies says
Can an adult stand up in the lower deck? Guess it could be customized for tall folks.
ashley @ the handmade home says
Hey! It’s already almost 17 feet tall, so we kept it lower for more of a lounging area. It fits the kids nicely. Of course it can definitely go taller!
Taylor Two says
Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous and just the general shape and styling of it reminds me of the houseboat, in the movie … Houseboat. Starring Sophia Loren and Carey Grant. A must watch classic.
Thanks for the oodles of pictures of it.
Andrea says
This is perfection!!! Seriously, such a fantastic job. Quick question – where did you get that fantastic orange and white striped blanket?
This is so great! Is there a final list of supplies that can be shared?
Alexis says
I was wondering the same thing. I love that the original has the supply list. My oldest is 8 now and I’m thinking a bigger one like this 2.0 might be better for the kids to grow into than watch them grow out of the other!
Haley Childers says
This is gorgeous! I want to make this for my son so he can have a fort in the woods behind our house. What was the total cost to build minus the paint and decorations?
Jamin Mills says
Hey, A lot of this depends on lumber and material cost in your area. Here in Nashville, I would tell someone to plan for $2,000 +-
I hope that helps and happy building.
Tiffany Bratina says
Hi! Is this the Packer light? The link doesn’t take you straight to the light. Having a hard time finding a outdoor light that isn’t Hardwired. Yours has an external plug in, right?
Brooke Dipetrillo says
This is amazing! My husband and I are following your lead and we are trying to recreate your hideaway 2.0. We couldn’t find any specific measurements or instructions for the stairs. Do you recall the measurements you used for the stairs?
Jamin Mills says
Hey, that’s so awesome! Best of luck on your build. If I remember correctly we made them 2 feet wide and spaced them vertically every 12 inches.
Michael says
We were just thinking creating version 1 — when i saw the link to this. Do you happen to have the material list like last time? Our daughter is 9 and thinking this might make more sense — especially since she can’t go to camp this year. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Jamin Mills says
Hey, Michael.
We did not create a full material list like last time, but if you simply copy and paste the material list from each post/section, you should be able to create your own. (side note if you’re not in a hurry I’m going to create one for a new post and can email it to you.) I hope that helps some and have fun building. We’d love to see the progress.
Kristi says
Absolutely love this! This is exactly what my husband and I want to build for our daughter and nephew. I cannot find the length and width of the base though, can you please tell me that? We love how it’s not too big and not too small. Thanks!
Jamin Mills says
Hey, It is 10′ x 12′ and if I remember correctly about 18′ tall. We hope you have a blast building it and would love to see your progress and finished build!
Adam Fisch says
Hi Jamin,
Could you give some detail on how it got so tall? You mention in one post it’s 5′ 2″ from deck to deck, and the roof height at peak is 88 inches. Adding the foot or so from the lower deck to ground, that only takes it to about 14. Am I missing something? We have height restrictions here, so trying to modify to keep it under 13′ if possible!
Jamin Mills says
The high side of ours is around 17 1/2 feet tall.
Cathy says
I was thinking of doing a roof like this to our tree house but worried it would look really dirty quickly and hard to clean. What have you found it to be like? Thanks!
Jamin Mills says
Cathy, this all depends on if you build it under a tree or out in the open. Any roof will get dirty under a tree and one out in the open will not show dirt as quickly. All roofing material will need to be periodically cleaned. Ours does get a yearly pressure wash to keep it clean looking.