Hellos. And welcome to the third addition of life truths according to Rigby and Fitz.
Cue the classical musics. Mom said we could not have a fire in the fireplace because we are not old enough to make the fires and Fitz would probably run into it because she likes to fweak outs. So just pwetends we are being classical and stuffs.
We’re also gwounded from the computuhs. The mama humans said no more inturnets until we confess. But we felt the need to clear the airs. So let’s get a few things straight, shall wes?
1. On spills.
We did not spill that milk. We did not do it. Just because Fitz like to sit on the benches, does not means it was hers who spilled the milk.
That littlest humans is pretty messy. So We say it was hims.
Oh wait. We interrupt this deep thoughts broadcast to announce that we have been presented with evidences. Rigby, why didn’t you tell me it was yous?
Why do you have no self control, Rigby? No self control whatsoevers.
Stop getting us into twoubles.
Also,we have dubbed ourselves the official clean up crews for the house on all food items. We will do a wonderful jobs.
The mama humans left the pizza on the counter last night on the pizza stone, and she said it was so it could cool. But we know that really meant she just didn’t want to clean right thens. So instead of pulling off the entire dish {they seemed to be upsets when we did that with the chicken casseroles} we just pulled off the pizza. We wanted to help, and are good helpers. But then we lost our confidence and hid under the tables when they came to see what the racket was about, because we realized we didn’t tell you that we were on the clean up crews. It’s an important job.
And thank you. It was dewiciouses.
2. On spots.
We did not do the spots on their favorite rugs. Sometimes the spots happens by accidents. But we did not do it.
Maybe the humans spilled some waters or somethings.
We do not know what ‘not color safe’ means. Or what colors are, for that matter, because we has never seen them. What is a woven rug from Turkey, anyways? Is there Turkey in it? We will gladly eats it for yous.
Also, sometimes we gets exciteds and loses the bladder controls. Just sometimes.
We’re twying, okays?
3. On holes.
We did not dig the giant holes in the yards. We are sorry about that twisted ankle, but we are insulted by all your insinuashuns. Have you ever considered meteors? The duwt fell on our noses and that is all.
If only you knew how bad you huwts the feelings.
4. On fwiends.
We made a new fwiends in the yawd the other night. We was talking to hims, and everythings, when the mama humans came outside and started scweaming.
That was a new octave, mama humans. A new octave.
We wanted to make him ouw pets and play with hims, but the mama humans said nos, and shooed us inside. She did pause to take a picture though, so we figured he was coming to live with us. The daddy humans thought she was exagguwating when she yelled that it was as big as her hand.
Daddy humans calls the mama humans dramaticals a lots.
We never saw our fwiend again. The mama humans said he went to the same place as the giant five foot snake we found and tried to play with in the yawd this summer. We are jealous of this magical vacation place for all the fun animals!
He did try to bite me though, so on second thought, he wasn’t very nice and would have needed a harness. Maybe he will come back for a playdates!
5. On fluff
Every mornings, it’s the same stowy.
This is our fifth round of beds, the parental humans say. This is also the infinity round of clean ups.
We like our cwates, and we go there for treats, but sometimes they leave us here when they go somewhere and that makes us sad that we gets left outs. So it’s fun to chew on the beds and spit out all the green fluffs all over the place.
We thought it was a fun games, but the humans did not like its.
We are only mildly ashamedses.
So maybe we should use it as levewage. Until thewe’s a little more of this…
And this…
The green fluffscapades pwobably will not stops.
This is pwobably what the humans mean when they say sowwy not sowwies.
Until next time… #rigbyandfitz
Erika says
great post, lovely photos!xx
Jen says
So funny. I love these. We ditched the beds in the cages because our dogs were also chewers and guess what–they never complained. Save your money! 🙂
Beth Miller says
I love these posts! We used to use old towels in our dog crate. No fluff and easy to wash!
Ruth Steele says
I love this, to read their thoughts brought so many smiles! LOVE that you shared with us what they felt needed to be understood. It made my day! (And I appreciate the patience it has to take to see the humor, and love those guys with a parents’ wisdom just like we do our tiny humans all the time). AND, I fully understand the not-funny-at-all reaction to their newest ‘friend’ outside, for whatever reason you sound exactly like me, I’ve had Bill (husband of 58+ years) rescue me from a spider that’s way too big to challenge whenever I needed. And he’s been so brave and done so :). And that one was enormous! Our husbands ‘can’ sometimes just not totally understand why we feel so threatened, but I totally understand! Have a sweet day, you brought me one.
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thanks Ruth! It does take a lot of patience… but if ya can’t laugh… ;} And yay for husbands!
Elizabeth says
Oh my…that spider is way too creepy. And also, where did you get those cute colorful smaller cups? 🙂
ashley @ the handmade home says
I know! I almost had one of those click-to-see photos where it’s blurry until your mouse goes over it just in case I traumatized someone! He was so scary! The cups are Tervis – we use them every day at every meal – and keep them in our freezer so that they come out cold. We are in love. They even hold hot coffee, and you can get little tops that fit on top for those on-the-go moments. SO SO practical for our family. We’re big fans. http://www.tervis.com
Tania // Run to Radiance says
Hhahah! These guys are hilarious. 🙂 Can I just say that spider is sooo disgusting. OMG. Also, cracking up at the “SOON” Picture. That’s how our dogs are…just biding their time… 😛
ashley @ the handmade home says
Right!? I can’t even. Trauma. ;} And they were circling our feet in the kitchen today when we prepared lunch. They’re like little sharks waiting for their opportunity ;}
Angela says
Wow! I really should not have been so entertained by two silly dogs 🙂 I love seeing their crazy antics, it doesn’t make me feel so bad that our chewed up half the sofa while we were at work.. “wut mom, its explouded!” (enter the crate).
ashley @ the handmade home says
BAHAHA that’s the worst! Yeah, we’re with you on that one- can’t trust these gals a bit. They always go in the crate when we go somewhere. It takes a while before they’re trustworthy! ;}
Arianne says
Hi there! So I know you didn’t ask and I don’t really want to be THAT PERSON but… I used to work as the dog trainer for our local chapter of the Humane Society. A lot of what you’re experiencing with those two adorable furballs is energy overload. Even though there are two of them and I’m sure they play with each other and with your kiddos it sounds like they’re not totally tuckered out at the end of the day. Dogs that size and age need, at a minimum, a good 1 mile jog each day. If no one in the family is a jogger then I’d say a good 1-2 mile walk twice a day (morning and evening) or a long session at an off leash dog park should do it. This should help immensely! Even if you guys are walking regularly, take it up a notch. They’re obviously not tired enough – as I always say… a tired dog is a well behaved dog! Keep posting about them. They are PRECIOUS.
ashley @ the handmade home says
Thanks so much, Arianne! They are definitely getting their exercise… but for what it’s worth, if I wrote about how well they slept, well, that wouldn’t be much of a post, would it? ;}
Cyndi says
Ashley – I absolutely refuse to believe that your husband’s heart didn’t skip a few beats on the sight of that spider! No matter what he tells you 🙂 That thing was HUGE! Heart attack time, I kid you not. I love your doggy posts. I laugh so hard with each of them. You SO creative. Can’t turn your back on those furry babies for a second where food is involved! My parents adopted a smaller (~24 lb) dog a few years ago. Not too long ago, the dinner table was left unattended for a couple of minutes and when my mom came back out to the dining room, the little scamp had jumped up on a chair that hadn’t been pushed back in, gotten up on the table and dragged a whole bone-in half ham (which was almost half his weight) off the table and onto the family room floor. Needless to say, he was in the dog house big time.
Our lives are richer for their antics and love.
Summer says
I can’t even! Can Rigby and Fitz have a weekly feature please?!? #sowwynotsowwies